Wednesday, November 13, 2013

You Know Your Company Has a Data Problem When......

·         Your Business users don’t know where the data is stored...
·         Your data warehouse system lead doesn't know the name of data warehouse DBA's
·         A key customer is lost and no one knows why
·         Scarily large number of meetings are held to decide which data source is more accurate
·         Two reports about same metrics from two different data source give different picture
·         The impact of a key customer campaign is known only to one sales person who is on vacation the day campaign runs (or crashes)
·         To get simple report, you have to submit a bug ticket
·         A report of a customer campaign shows up days after the campaign completes
·         The question “how many customers we have” gets you different answers
·         The question “who are our key customers” gets you “deer-in-front-of-headlights” expression
·         Centralized Metadata??? Duh?
·         Business decisions are taken on “I think so…” logic
·         Each department wants to create its own marts and data warehouses
·         DBA's have no idea about purpose of their data warehouse but DB size is a bragging point
·         Getting older data is like asking Santa for a Ferrari……
·         No one has clear idea about who uses thousands of reports
·         Retirement request for old, never-used data warehouse is met with “…I don’t know, we get “lots” of reports….”
·         Data policies are not written
·         Data governance is non-existent
·         Data and Strategy are oxymoron terms
·         Data is not viewed as an asset
·         Data quality is major project
·         “Flying Blind” is considered an adventure….
·         Visualization is more important than data correctness
·         Data and data people are given second class citizenship….