Saturday, September 14, 2013

"Where do you want to be 5 years from now?"

Many times, I have been challenged with the clichéd career question – “where do you want to be 5 years from now?”. Most of us when posed with this question make the mistake of somehow boxing ourselves in the current company, industry and domain. For example, I can easily think of myself as where I will be five years from now and sure enough, I will limit my thoughts to being at Yahoo, even after 5 years from now. I would try to hold a crystal ball and forecast that I would be doing such and such thing at so and so position and role. Not many of us do think that this may entail leaving our current job, company and domain and be doing something else. We can't even forecast how many jobs we will hop or change in these five ensuing years.

 I didn't really pay much attention to the underlying actual theme until I had a very good and somewhat scrutinious discussion with Mark Morrissey, our SVP of Production Engineering at Yahoo. Another person who help ignite this discussion with his insights is Sarang Kirpekar, DVP, Sears Holding and a very good friend. I thank both these gentlemen for their insights into this discussion.

I realize that as you are growing in your career – it is likely that first few jobs are spent in wilderness. You are very lucky if you are Mark Zukerberg, David Filo, Jerry Yang, Larry Page, Sergey Brin and so on. For, then your first job is your last job as well. But most of us meander and waver through first few jobs and then land into something that we consider our calling. For example, you may work for a web hosting company, then a clinical trials company and then land up at some stage in an Internet company like Yahoo.

While you are traversing through these peaceful first few jobs, your focus is primarily on gaining your technical skills. These skills are in your domain – your domain could be DBA, programmer, system administrator etc. So you join as novice DBA then transition to junior DBA. After few years and hard work, you get to call yourself Senior DBA. Few more years under your belt and you call yourself a DB architect. Yet few more years, you start considering yourself the best thing that happened to databases since Oracle 6.0. Sure, not all have that big an ego and vanity. :)

I call this specific period of gaining your chops in technical domain as X Axis or horizontal skill band. I also call this as your first love. Ok, not first love but, at least, second love.

While traversing through this career land, you also navigate through multiple vertical domains – retail, ecommerce, health or internet etc. While moving and learning nuances of each of these domains, you fall in love with one that challenges and excites you the most. You may also end up calling this as your third love.

I will refer to this as Y axis or vertical domain band.

Once you have discovered both X and Y axes for your professional life, it is like you have arrived. Yes, it is indeed that. You have now got hold of your x and y coordinates of professional life or at least handles that will enable you to take your career further.

I also call this discovery as “discovery of professional graticule”. Be glad if you are able to achieve this - Why? Because many of us pass through professional life without having discovered or achieved this professional graticule. Without this, you are like a rudderless ship which may have immense horsepower and steaming ahead on all engines, alas, without accurate directivity! 

Hopefully you are not one of those unfortunates and have discovered your professional graticule. Once you have discovered your professional graticule, the professional journey is very easy. All you need to do is move the horizontal bar on vertical scale making your graticule move up. I have tried my best to summarize this in following diagram.

Professional Graticule
As you grow in your career, remaining within your professional graticule, the professional graticule box progresses. For example, from a manager through director and finally to an SVP, this professional graticule marches on as shown in the figure below.

Progress in your domain via your professional graticule
Sometimes there are small setbacks. These setbacks are due to your desire to chase money as opposed to professional excellence. So you end up taking a pay cut, throw away your rank & standing and join a startup. Nothing wrong with that. It is just that during this period, your forward march on a graph seems somewhat arrested – it may well be compensated by the forward march in your bank balance, so no complains J.

What is the point I am trying to make in this discussion?

The point is very simple and somewhat obvious – the sooner you discover your professional graticule the better it is for your career and professional life.

Like I said earlier, many a professionals pass through an entire professional lifetime wandering from one job to another and in the course of that journey going through different vertical domains. Some people, like Jack Welch, may call this “all round development” but I call this as plain journey into being an executive as opposed to being a specialist. GE is one company that still encourages its leaders to become good executives by having gone through the myriad rungs of leadership in various industries in GE’s portfolio.

Navy also somewhat encourages that – you command surface ships – graduating from smaller missile boats to missile corvettes to frigates, destroyers and cruisers (in that order, perhaps) and then if you are lucky, command a battleship and an aircraft carrier before becoming fleet commander and eventually Naval chief.

I am of the opinion - and you need not really take it as the best of the option - that one should figure out one's professional graticule and then focus all his or her energy on that graticule and growth in that X and Y intersection. This gives you the most positive growth since you are very directional and not really meandering from one career to another.

In one case, you are “Jack of all, master of none” and that is perfectly acceptable and understandable. In another case, and where you stay in your professional graticule, you tend to become “jack of one and master of that very one”. Pick your choice!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Big Data - Background from a Time Traveler

Count me in as the biggest cheer leader of Big Data bandwagon. I agree, it is very ironical if you know my background. Some will call me traitor as well, especially those that are more loyal to Oracle and other flavors of RDBMS than Oracle corp itself is. 

For years, even during the days in the Navy, I was Oracle's huge protagonist. Oracle DBAs could be singled out in the crowd - the guys who wore their attitude on the sleeves and a pony tail to back it up. Oracle and Uncle Larry could do nothing wrong. Those were really the heady days when Oracle was leading head and shoulder ahead of the rest of the pack.

To top it all, around 2005 or so - Oracle 10g made its debut and Oracle RAC (Real Application Cluster) grew beyond 9i's infamous oracm cluster software and into  a much more robust crs cluster software. Everyone was high on Oracle. Oracle could do everything. To the extent, that anything that could not be done by Oracle should not be even tried in the first place. Why? Because it simply didn't make sense. Oracle was the pied piper and most of us from database fraternity followed it blindly. Oracle could do no wrong. In historical terms, "Sun would never set on the Oracle empire".

However, soon we realized that Oracle was fallible, after all. We had a 130 TB data warehouse on Oracle and this is year of the Lord, 2006, when we suddenly started seeing SLA misses and performance issues. ETL jobs would take enormously long and then Reporting jobs would run endlessly. For more than six months, many ace DBAs, Network administrators, Storage Gurus, SysAdmins and Engineering architects broke their heads - many a times at the verge of killing each other but every time we brought the system to a good state, the data volume would push the envelope and we would see the SLA misses. It was as if our destiny was taunting and teasing us. The cycle would just play itself again - encore!

We were hoping Oracle development team will add more punch to the RDBMS software. But Alas, Oracle did almost nothing - they would not even take a look at DBMS_SCHEDULER (Oracle Native job scheduler). The scheduler was woefully short in handling special needs of data warehouses - no way to provide resources allocations, prioritize SLA over non-SLA jobs, re-nice job priority, and so on.

It almost felt that we were left with under-performing weaponry and left to fend for ourselves at the mercy of far superior enemy, the Big Data explosion.

While we were having challenges of our own and were in a very reactive mode, the world was changing around us. Jeff Dean, Sanjay Ghemawat et al decided to play spoil sport and worked out algorithm for Big Table, the distributed computing and storage framework for Google's Search indexing problem.

Since Yahoo was also in the business of Search (this well predates the search-deal-with-Microsoft days), Yahoo decided to look around and find its own man Friday. Doug Cutting turned out to be "da man". He was working on Nutch and was trying to implement his own version of Big Table, perhaps using the same schema family.

Doug Cutting, Mike Cafarella (then an intern but now a very famous professor in Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor) and team were, meanwhile, working in the background on this alternative which would almost immediately provide panacea to all our problems. They took sometime to get their work out of the door when, Hadoop, as we know it, was born. Named after toy elephant that Doug's daughter had, Hadoop was, au contraire, no toy - it was the giant beast who easily bested Oracle even while it was barely born.

We created our Hadoop clusters in Yahoo - first as research and development grids and then production grids. The developers within Yahoo reacted to Hadoop's emergence as  if shepherds heard the news of Jesus' birth from Angels. Almost overnight (slight exaggeration), we saw most of the event level aggregation jobs moved to Hadoop grid. The baby elephant easily beat the hell out of seasoned Oracle software. The jobs that would take 9 hours on a 10 node Oracle data warehouse started completing in less than an hour. The developers had tasted the first blood, there was absolutely no turning back.

We could neither see nor understand what Hadoop was doing for us and the rest of the world. It had ripped off the ceilings, limits and shackles that relational databases had imposed on us for a long time. This freedom was most welcomed by those in analytic world, for they were emancipated suddenly. They were stunned by insights they could get from Hadoop based processing and data. The age of Big data was upon us. However, it would be sometime before the term "Big Data" would come into being.

Analytic fraternity suddenly realized that there was nothing to restrict their imagination except limitations of their own competence and flaws of their mind. The world of Analytics and ware houses would never be the same again.

What Jeff Dean, Sanjay Ghemawat, Doug Cutting and many others who followed them did - whether knowingly and deliberately or unbeknownst to themselves - they had unleashed upon us the age of Big Data. I would certainly say that these were the people who should be called the fathers of Big Data.

Meanwhile, we, the loyal Oracle DBAs,  were generally in denial or ignorant phase. What is this phase? It is believed that any new technology has at least two different reactions from its target user base. There are those that are new to both existing (aka older technology) and new technology or product. For them, new is better - they immediately take to new technology as fish takes to water.

The second user base is those who are deeply entrenched in older technology or product. For them learning something new is like giving up the handicap they have over these newbies and learn the new technology afresh. So there is a reluctance….Now let us take the view of those that are heavily invested in existing or older technology - these people hate the new technology - they had much rather that new technology just goes away and vanishes. Perhaps they go to sleep wishing that every single night. They are likely to pass through following phases:-

Phase I - Ignore the existence of new technology.
Phase II -Luke warm acknowledgement
Phase III -Continue to push old technology with more Ad/Marketing dollars
Phase IV -Create FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) related to new technology
Phase V - Run behind the charging caravan and see if they can catch up

Phases of Learning

The believers of old technologies actually end up providing use cases and some type of quality assurance testing for new technologies. How? They keep pointing to flaws in the new product and technologies and developers of the new technology continually remove and resolve those issues.

There were few enabling things happening at the same time when Big Data containers were being invented. Smartphones like Palm Treo, Blackberry followed by iPhone and Android devices were showing up. These smartphones and devices had started pushing the limits on data volume that was being generated. In turn, the  backend data containers started bursting at the seams. So to a time traveler, who is now blessed with the power and wisdom of hindsight, it would become clear that right at the moment these hadoop processing and data containers were being invented, people were already waiting with tons and tons of data to pour in. So, in somewhat naive sense -  Hadoop and its cousins like Big Table, DynamoDB, NoSQL systems - these systems and technologies were put in production before they could even enter beta phase.

Just so that I keep this discussion honest, I want to assure that I not moving the timelines even one bit. Around 2009, I saw the "light on the mountain" and got "converted" - we realized the power of these new technologies and what they were doing to analytics and insights world. Meanwhile, many in the world were still perceiving Big Data as a hype.

I suspect the dust settled around 2010 or so. People realized and surrendered to the real power of Big Data. It was also realized that this was not a hype like "Y2K" - it was hear to stay. Companies have not looked back in the race to push data into these new data stores since then. 

What are the different things being dumping into the Big Data containers? Let us take a look at a small sliver of the total data generated online (figures as of 20101, data courtesy - - )

  • Email users send more than 204 million messages
  • Mobile Web receives 217 new users
  • Google receives over 2 million search queries
  • YouTube users upload 48 hours of new video
  • Facebook users share 684,000 bits of content
  • Twitter users send more than 100,000 tweets
  • Apple receives around 47,000 application downloads
  • Brands receive more than 34,000 Facebook 'likes'
  • Tumblr blog owners publish 27,000 new posts
  • Instagram users share 3,600 new photos
  • Flickr users, on the other hand, add 3,125 new photos
  • Foursquare users perform 2,000 check-ins
  • WordPress users publish close to 350 new blog posts

We recognize all these companies as big data players - they are "spewing" all this data into some storage, somewhere so they can make better sense how people are using their products, refine those products, make them further attractive for users, in turn accept more data from more users and continue on the kaizen path or path of continuous improvement. Of course, this improvement comes with underlying vested interest of finding some way to better monetize the products - if not today, then at least some day in future.

This data generation is leading to "data pollution". Why do we call it data pollution? In the absence of great tools to store, process and make sense of this data, we are just involved in a good model of trucks of data loads being shipped from one system to another, one datacenter to another, one container to another. There is a hope in every mind that is involved in this transportation "value chain" that someone else knows how to extract value out of this data. There is also a faint hope that "somebody" knows extremely well what is going on.

In short, we are clueless but hope somebody better know how to make sense of this.

There is virtually a "data race". Data size is a good bragging point for storage folks, Database administrators and data community at large. Without good and meaningful analytic hovering over big data volumes, the big data is really of no use to man or beast. In fact, I would call it terribly expensive "garbage dump" if you are storing huge data but not getting meaningful and actionable insights from it.

I will cover further on Big Data enabling technologies that are the "partners in this crime" in my next blog.

ErrorDB - a Case for Robust Error Handling Platform

While people love to hate Oracle, there are few things Oracle does exceedingly well. Or let me be more specific – there are few things that I personally love in Oracle core RDBMS.

One of them is the standard error messages that we use in Oracle. The messages are very standard and there is a very good coding mechanism for coding different messages from different layer of Oracle. Let us take a look at different codes that Oracle uses for sending error messages to the users of Oracle. Oracle has almost 50 plus such categories, below are only those categories that are typically seen by DBAs in every day life.
  •          ORA-00000 to ORA-62001 – Oracle Core RDBMS problem
  •          EXP-00000 to EXP-00113 - Errors related to Exp (data export utility)
  •          IMP-00000 to IMP-00401 - Errors related to Imp (data import utility)
  •          SQL*Loader-00100 to SQL*Loader-03120 - Errors related to SQLLDR(data loader utility)

Why Oracle uses these error messages? Simply because Oracle wants all people to understand and talk in common language. So when Satoshi Ikoma, a DBA in Tokyo, Japan, who doesn’t understand English as well as Jim Corbett, his company’s DBA in San Francisco, California gets an error “ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 007 name "UNDOTBS-04" too small”, he understands this exactly as Oracle intends him to understand it despite the fact that he doesn’t understand English as well.  The error means same thing to both Jim and Satoshi San despite the fact that both of them are at different level of competence over English.

If you whisper ORA-00600 (Oracle Internal errors for the uninitiated ones) in a DBA’s ears who is in deep slumber, perhaps after unmentionable number of beers, you can get him to immediately jump, sober up (to sobriety tests totally passed) and almost hyper ventilating. 

ORA-00600 Message

Why can’t we use the similar error reporting mechanism for our applications? The error reporting mechanism in some applications is somewhat mature but most of them have very “intuitive” error messages, like 0, 1 or 2.

When a service engineer or operations center duty person receives an alert stating “EDW job 4403 errored out with error -1”. This means that either the service engineer starts digging around in knowledge base documents to figure out if someone has been kind enough to mention what -1 means or he starts praying that God miraculously dawn him the wisdom to figure out this error code.

Like I said above, many applications are far ahead of others on this curve. They not only report a very informative error message but also have different coding.

How can we have all the applications to follow a very loose framework which also becomes a platform?

Creation of an error reporting platform could be our answer.

Imagine if we have a something like ErrorDB. It could provide a framework that applications could use to register their application with. Once registered, the applications could use meta data tables within ErrorDB to insert rows for each error the application can throw. ErrorDB can perhaps be like RolesDB, nodereg or CM3 or any other platform that can be used by all applications in an organization.

The application error could have following:-

  • Application Error code
  • Description of the code
  • Suggested resolution code

The ErrorDB application could provide APIs to register, set, get error codes which applications could then use to show error in somewhat better and user friendly message.

ErrorDB could also have a CLI that could be used by service engineers who are more geeky than normal users.

Having a very mature ErrorDB will allow people who are supporting the applications to understand and learn application almost instantly. There is no “blackbox” left thereafter. 

Troubleshooting an issue will be so much better. We won’t need “exorcists” to come and wave the wand to figure out the issue. In other words, diagnostics becomes very easy and simple.

It would also improve operability of the application. Developing an application that is always enigma for not only for support engineers but also many a times for the very developers that developed it. It may satisfy someone’s vanity but it leads to wasteful human cycles.
Extending the application becomes way easier when the error codes are easy, decipherable and remediated.

Gap Maps - Great Way to Measure Product Operations Maturity

Often, people connected with a product wonder where their product is in comparison to other similar products or competitors, so to speak. The management gurus figured out a way to bridge that by creating “Gap Maps”.

The great thing about gap maps is that they can be used for comparing any entity. The entity can be products, sports teams, presidential candidates, tools, countries, choices…..anything at all.

The way you do it is to find two determinant attributes – two very distinguishable and principal attributes that define the set of entities. To explain this further, I take my favorite example – if I want to buy a new car, I could have mileage per gallon and MTBR as two determinant attributes. I could also have “smell of new car” as one of the determinant attribute. Though it is very endearing thing, the new car’s smell is certainly not very good attribute to go by, especially when you are putting tons of money down on a car.

Moral of the story – the gap maps are just a tool. How reliable it would be depends entirely on your choice of attributes. It is classic case of GIGO (Garbage in, garbage out) – if you chose the right attributes, you will get good gap map, bad choices will lead to bad gap map.

Why we need to get a good gap map? Simple reason is that a good map unravels so many stories about your product and similar products (read competition). A bad gap map may sweep under the rug many of the flaws and may lead you to believe that you have a winner product.

Now, this is one part of the story. Hold this strand somewhere in your L2 cache while I do a context switch.
Let me start another thread in this story and see if I can bring multiple the threads together to weave a single story, at some point in this blog.

We had gone live with a product earlier this year. It is one of our Data Systems pipeline that carries data (aka events) from hundreds of thousands of serving hosts back to our own “Deep Blue” backend system which then takes this petabytes of data and makes sense out of it.

Before we went live, we did something called Operational Readiness Certification or ORC. ORC is a long laundry list of hundreds of questions – some require subjective answers, some need numbers and yet others get Boolean type answers.

A good example of question asked in ORC is – “Do you have a BCP” – the answer is pretty Boolean – Yes or No. (Ok, there will always be the *cautious* types that will start their answer with “It depends…..” LOL!)
So this pipeline had passed ORC with flying colors and everyone was happy. However, when we started ramping up the volume, we found three conspicuous challenges on this pipeline:-

  • Backlog Catch up Rate
  • Reprocessing
  • Data Discrepancies

Each of these three was causing us to throw tons of manual cycles at it with no light blinking at the end of tunnel. There was no ready metrics that we could take to our product and engineering partners and tell them where this product was in terms of production readiness and where we would want it to be.

It was a perplexing problem and luckily for us our Dev team is very brilliant who didn’t really need us to put lot of data behind these three issues before they would even pick them up for resolution.

So what was the problem statement? In a very high level, bulleted version, it would look something like this:-

  • ORC is great but somewhat subjective and boolean
  • ORC is also a matrix of blockers, failures, exceptions, action items. Once you are past those, nothing more comes out of ORC.
  • After ORC is done, what is the next step? All products are at the same level.
  • No way to classify/score maturity of a product compared to its peers
  • No method of comparing different properties
  • Comparison of similar systems could help
  • ORC doesn’t allow time series trending

As I said above, we are lucky to have great developers at Yahoo and within a quarter, we almost solved all the three problems. However, lack of a good measurement method or absence of a tool that we could use to evaluate and compare our product with similar and very mature product in that space frustrated us.

Now let me bring in the third string in this story. I was reading a book on product management where the authors discuss gap maps and it dawned on me that if I have something similar, we could use it to compare different properties at Yahoo that we support.

Bringing all different strands together, I decided to look at gap maps, used for decades in the product management industry, to evaluate and compare our different data systems pipelines.  The first and foremost challenge was to figure out correct determinant attributes. The challenge was that there are so many great attributes that could be used to peel this onion. I took a different approach and decided to create two uber attributes with any number of sub-attributes.

Sample attributes and sub-attributes

Performance and Operability were the two overarching attributes and each had many sub-attributes.While selecting attributes and sub-attributes, it should be kept in mind it is not necessary that different categories of properties have similar attributes. For example, a property like Yahoo Frontpage or Facebook main landing page may have different attributes than a backend data warehouse system. Decide your attributes and sub-attributes carefully and diligently. This will be time well invested upfront in the whole exercise.Once the sub-attributes have been chosen, you could use a simple spreadsheet to compute the values for the sub-attributes and aggregate them to arrive at a value for the parent attribute. Please see the figure below. I have also given some guidance for scoring them, but you should create your own guidance.

Scoring spreadsheet sample

The point to keep in mind is that this guidance should not change from property to property (or product to product) in the same category. So if you are comparing different data warehouse systems or massive analytic systems, the guidance should remain the same. However, like I said above, different categories may have different attributes, some similar some totally dissimilar and there guidance for scoring may also be vastly different from the above scoring model.

Once you get the values from this type of spreadsheet for main two determinant attributes, use those values to plot on the simple X,Y Axes graphs.

The names of the product are somewhat fictitious and so is the sample data (I could use the disclaimer “The characters and story in this movie are fictional and any resemblance to people, living or dead, is merely coincidental…” J)

Sample Scores for POM

 Once you have the values for X and Y Axes, plotting of the graphs is fairly simple.

POM Graph

Now that you have the graph which gives where different similar products fall, you may ask the question, now what?

Well, to start with, you (developers, Service engineers, product managers, managers – in short all connected with the product) can understand where your product is compared to its peers.

The first endeavor should be to get your product to the first quadrant (positive quadrant). Once it is in the positive quadrant, the next endeavor should be to continually move it to in the north east direction.

It also gives you an understanding why EDW needs tons of manpower to support it and why CMS data warehouse needs half an FTE (full time employee) to support it.

Further, EDW folks can talk to CMS folks to get a handle on what are the different things CMS team did to get to where they are.

Finally, if EDW team starts working on the betterment of the product, they can use two snapshot of this graph – the first one in the present time and the next one a quarter or two later to evaluate progress (hopefully) that the product has made on the two determinant attributes.

Love to get feedback.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Development, SE and SRE teams - why all of them are critical?

Have you ever wondered what happens when you have a very motivated team that is very wrong for a given job? The team works extremely hard, slogging hours and clocking tons of time, killing themselves over weekends and finally comes up dissatisfied with what they have (non)achieved. In other words, square peg in round hole. Sounds familiar? Read on.

This case study is for service engineering team in any company of 1000 people or more. In the industry, service engineering team typically sets up all the framework to take the developer’s code to production. This involves setting up robust CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery), monitoring, automating some parts of Dev team provided engineering and QA tests, post-deployment smoke tests and full blown monitoring framework for all alerts around the code.  

SE and SRE Teams
Most organizations have SE and SRE teams in a combined single team. They may chose to call it SE or SRE. But make no mistake, this team has two different and very conspicuous flavors – engineering and operations. Like I said earlier, most teams have both the flavors built into one single team. That implies that the same team will have folks with great engineering competence and those with operations bias as well. However, in some companies, especially the larger ones, the two flavors may be two very different teams working separately under different leadership for common goals as stated above. 

In some places, the engineering focused team is called DevOps and the operations team is called SRE. Yet other companies name the engineering focused team as Service Engineering team and operations team as just operations team.

In Yahoo, we have engineering biased team as Service Engineering team (SE team) and operations focused team as Service Reliability Engineering team (SRE team).

When the teams are created ab initio, the work is segregated and defined for each team. The two teams are also seeded differently – engineering focused team will have more people who can code, understand the code, get into innards of the code base and file bugs when we hit issues due to buggy code. They almost tell the developers “here is where your code is throwing an exception, please fix this part”. So they “can read” and “understand” the code but since they do not “own” the code, they hand off the bug resolution to developers.

Then we have the SRE team which is our first and second line of defense and mostly attends to all the alerts, provides first level investigation and triaging and either resolves them or escalates them to service engineering team. In a very matured SRE team, we expect 85-90% alerts being handled and resolved by SRE team. The 15-10% alerts that are escalated to SE team are mostly resolved by SEs. You can expect 1-2% of those alerts being escalated to development team.

If you look at the work, SRE work is totally interrupt driven, SE work is partially interrupt driven and large part is planned work. The developer’s work, on the other hand, should be largely planned so he or she can totally focus on the new features, new products and enhancements etc.

It is possible that over a period, the teams may morph into something better – at that point, we say “oh, this team has really matured into a fantastic SRE or SE or development team”. That is mostly possible if the teams are doing the type of work that they have been designed to do and in the manner (interrupt or plan driven) they have been conceptualized to do. So this is good scenario, eh?

When things start going awry….
What happens when the scenario doesn’t turn out to be as good as we wanted it to be or as favorable to each team as we would have wished for? Well, then we have a challenge….

If we are not continuously monitoring our teams for type of skill sets that seed these teams, the type of work that falls in their laps, it is very possible that the fiber of the team(s) may undergo a mutation – typically, for worse.

Imagine a scenario, we have attrition due to any number of reasons in SRE team. It could be leadership or lack of it, lack of good management, gaps in people’s expectation, company not doing well, work load being pure killer…any number of reasons. And as a organization, we fail to see this coming, even after it happens, we do not backfill attrition immediately or fast enough, the workload on remaining people will continue to increase since attrition of people doesn’t necessarily translate into reduction of workload. So, the remaining workforce comes under resources crunch and work overload. This then starts a downward spiral that if not arrested well and fast enough can pretty much cause annihilation of SRE team. Once SRE team reduces without proportional reduction in the workload, we start spilling workload to SE team. SE team now suddenly discovers, much to its angst and disappointment that it is the de-facto team doing SRE work while expectation around SE work have not diminished at all. So SE team starts focusing on totally operational work and bends backward to make the Site stay up.

During this time, SE team has also changed their work routine as follows so they can accommodate the operations workload that has been thrust on them:-
  •           Stops going to development team’s daily scrum meetings since SE was up fighting operations and incident late last night, during weekends and long weekends
  •           Doesn’t have time to do code review with dev team
  •           Doesn’t have time to build monitoring new feature that got pushed last evening through CI/CD pipeline
  •           Backlog of the SE related work starts building up
Not many people realize this but during this time, the SE team also moved away from being largely driven by planned work through Kanban/Scrum to interrupt driven work.

Slowly but steadily the SE team becomes the new SRE team. Management and leadership don’t really mind it – they cut the cost down in operating expenses by dismantling a full team that was called SRE team and in their minds and words, they have made the SE team very “efficient”.

The management is so focused on dollars that it misses the deep, dense forest for few “shinning” trees.

The whole change takes place over at least a year, it can’t happen over few months.

The management is applauded and rewarded for cost cutting and the “success stories” are told and exchanged with other teams. No one yet understands the deeper damage this cost cutting and change has done to the SE team. By the time people and management will realize this, the current leadership of management would have long moved to different role, different company, and different team to continue the good work there.

Now let us bring our focus back to poor SE team that has been forced to morph into an SRE team. There are some very brilliant engineers in the SE team who are not happy with the current state of affairs and are waiting for management to put them out of their misery by recreating the SRE team. When they realize that management is not even thinking on those lines – of recreating SRE team, reinvesting in the SRE people - they make their mind and jump ship. Jump ship to different team, different company, anywhere but their current team.

Now the next phase kicks in, the SE team starts seeing the same attrition that SRE team saw – reasons may be the same or different – but good and brilliant team members are first to leave. The immediate management of SE team is suddenly running around like headless chicken, trying to do firefighting by getting enough resources so Site can be kept up. In their rush to get any and every resource they can find, they naturally lower the hiring bar.

Once they lower the hiring bar, the once brilliant and industry recognized SE team starts hiring sub-standard material for that team. Please be aware that the new hires are not bad or incompetent people. When I say "sub-standard" it doesn't mean that they are incompetent. All I am saying is that they are not the right fit for the SE team. They may be pretty hard working but are ill-suited for the SE team which was until then seeded by brilliant engineers who fully understood how to take very "developer" code and change it into a very "production ready" code.

Now, this is where it gets interesting. In the first phase, we lost SRE team. In the second phase, we forced the SE team to become SRE and SE team combined into one. In the third phase, we made the SE team to change totally into SRE team. In the fourth phase, we started losing SE team. In the fifth and final phase, we hired and seeded SE team with different level of people.

…here is the kicker, the SE team that started operating like an operations team is at its lowest morale since the workload is totally interrupt driven, they have by now lost the respect of their development team. At this point, development team pretty much agrees that SE team doesn't do any level of investigation on any issue before chucking it over the fence to them.

…And the disease spreads to Development team as well….
So now, this is perhaps that last stage, the development team changes its workload from being totally plan driven workload to substantially interrupt driven workload.  At this stage, a development team that was entirely focused on new products, new features is now forced to change its focus to part new features/product and part sustenance of existing products or site up. A development team that was able to bring to market at least two big products a year is now struggling to bring even one big product in beta phase.

The slow development team frustrates their management since their management is trying to catch up or stay ahead of competition. As a result, they are continuously changing roadmap and plan of record.

In the past, the development team used to complete a big product in 4-6 months, which used to allow their management to do course corrections rapidly. Now, the course corrections have to happen at the same pace as earlier but imagine that a development which is moving a very slow pace, same team is now forced to absorbed course corrections while their beta version is also not put out. This results in what development team largely sees as "scope creep" on the given project. This frustrates the developers and they understand this as “directionless” development team management.

Now the maladies and issues of SRE and SE team have become contagious and started hitting development team as well. Developers, frustrated by their management’s constant change of direction, start leaving causing a drain even bigger than the SRE and SE team attrition.

At this point the whole organization is paralyzed by these issues and starts slowing down to the extent, that at some point, it comes to a grinding halt. At this juncture, all the teams are focused on keeping the site up.

How do we rebuild from here?
First thing we need to do is to baseline our team to estimate the "damage" - to ascertain how much our team's bias has changed.

To measure where an SE or SRE or Development team stands, we can plot all the dimensions required for a good team - SRE, SE (with engineering bias) or Dev team on X axis and then measure them on a scale of 0 through 10. Zero on the scale shows total absence of the specific dimension and 10 shows reasonably high proficiency in that dimension.

For the purpose of this article, I will focus only on Service Engineering team.

Let us also assume that hypothetically a very mature Service Engineering team in the industry will perhaps be at 7.5 and above.

There is a distinct difference between Service Engineering team as well as Service Reliability Engineering (SRE) team. Both are equally important for a company. At the risk of being shouted down by many, I would say that for a company, SRE team is more important than SE team. I draw the metaphor of a hospital. Every hospital has an Emergency Room or ER. Some places also call it Trauma center. This place receives people who are in dire need of immediate first aid else they would die. They receive all the accidents, heart attack, gun violence related people… They are America’s life line and the first line of response. Without these wonderful folks we would have hundreds of thousands of additional causalities in US every year.

Then there is a medical system that does more of diagnostic and preventive medication. These are also the people for whom every day is a “Monday” – they don’t have holidays,

These are the guys who save us daily.

Similarly, SRE team is our first line of defense. These are the guys who receive the alerts and respond to them immediately. Depending on how egregious an alert is, and how critical a property is, their response may vary. For example, in case of a DoS attack, they may start and IRC, collaborate with other companies having the same challenge and do everything to repel the attack. Actually, discussion on DoS will need a separate book by itself. LOL!

SE team is the medical system that has much more time than the ER or SRE team and therefore, can focus on addressing the causes as opposed to just the symptoms.
Engineering-Operations Graphs or EO-factor

I call these graph Engineering-Operations graph or “EO factor” for short. This is like pH factor that determines if a solution is acidic or basic. The pH factor of pure water is 7 and is considered neutral. pH factor above 7 is considered alkaline or basic and as pH factor increases beyond 7, the basicity or alkalinity of the solution increases. Similarly, as it goes below 7, the acidity of solution increases.

EO factor should be read in the same way, as we move away from the “Operations Line” the team becomes more biased and focused on a given track – operations or engineering.  As you move north of this line, the team tends to become very engineering focused. In the same vein, if you move south of this line, the team has more of operations competence.

This graph can be used by any team with different dimensions. For example, an SE or SRE team working on Big Data systems will have somewhat different dimensions than a team working on Mail or a team working on company landing home page. It is entirely up to the managers to figure out correct dimensions to measure their teams and use those dimensions to then chart out the future course. 

EO Factor
Build the new team...
Once you have ascertained the baseline, take remedial steps to rebuild it - slowly and steadily.

Seed it with right skill set, keep the right workload type, see to it that it comes in right manner - interrupt or planned, keep irrigating and feeding it with right talent. And above all, watch it carefully as shown below.

Watch the team's focus...

Let us take a scenario where I have EO factor for a team and the team exists for a long period. You are interested in seeing how that team either stays in the fiber that you created it for or if, over a period, it has changed its bias. A time series trending will be great graph to have for this type of trending. 

EO Factor Trending
This time series helps us to understand how our team is trending over a period. Remember, no side is good or bad in this graph. You want to keep a good watch on your team’s tendency to shift its bias from Operations to Engineering or vice versa. Depending on what bias the team was intended to be seeded with, you have very compelling motivation to keep the bias in the same side. If you are not watchful and very mindful of this, the teams always have tendencies to move from one focus to the other.

We should ensure that we seed an SE team so that it has an EO factor of about 6 or above. We have also got to ensure that this EO factor always stays above that for that SE team. Similarly, we need to ensure that our SRE team has EO factor below 5 or 5.5 so it keeps operations as their bias.

An SRE team can be seeded with very brilliant engineering focused people as well. The challenge is that most likely the brilliant people do not like operations work and may again start rolling the same juggernaut which led to the attrition of SRE in the first place.

We need to be always aware and cognizant of type of talent pool in every team and make sure that right team is staffed for doing the right and intended job. This has to be consistently and continually monitored else we get to a point where we need to make radical changes. Making changes and having those changes make impact is multi-year project and therefore, painfully slow.  Hence, a stitch in time may act as a preventer for nine few years later.